Written by Samuel Beckett
Directed by Jeff Goldberg
Asst- Subrahmanian
Artistes- Arjun Singh, Rahul Sahu & Vijender Chaubey
"Endgame", Samuel Beckett's dystopian play is a deconstruction of society that puts mankind at the edge existence. Three characters find themselves trapped in a network of bunkers hidden deep underground following a catastrophic event that has rendered the surface of the earth inhabitable. Humans are afflicted by a disease that robs them of their memories as they are controlled by a Machine that runs their lives. Among the few survivors there is only one man, a blind cripple who possesses the treasure of memory, but the weight of this is literally killing him and driving those around him mad.
Date- 7th, 8th, 9th, 14th, 15th, & 16th December 2018
Venue: Jeff Goldberg Studio
621, Links Building, 4th Floor,
Corner of 14th Rd. & Linking Rd,
Above Fascination Store,
Opp Domino's Pizza,
Khar West, Mumbai 400 052.