Sakharam Binder
Written by- Vijay Tendulkar
Director- Ashok Pandey
Cast- Ashok Pandey, Sushrii Shreya Mishraa, Shonali Nagrani, Anil Mishra & Hasit Shah
Synopsis- The deeply psychological play revolves around a man called Sakharam, who, while denouncing the hypocrisy of men having sex on the sly, freely indulges in abusing helpless women. The play by Vijay Tendulkar, among the foremost playwrights and scriptwriters is as disturbing and hard-hitting as it was three decades ago. But it is also, as often, funny. And in the end it becomes a work of psychological suspense and great irony.
Date- 12, 13, 14 & 19, 20, 21 April
Duration- 2 hours 15 mins